2022 donation goal: $20,000  Current amount donated: $5904.40


Interested to become a sponsor? Click here!

User donation

NOTE: User donations do not qualify for a sponsorship.


Status message

We are on Patreon, help us to unlock our goals by becoming a patron on Patreon. See our Patron list.
Monthly PayPal Donation
One time PayPal donation

Privacy policy

We would love to acknowledge everyone who donates to GhostBSD, but we also would like to respect your privacy. GhostBSD will not sell or provide your address, phone number, or email address to anyone, nor will we send you unsolicited mailings. Please Contact Us if you wish to make your donation anonymous.

Sponsor donation

Please take time to read the information below before contacting us with questions.

NOTE: Only Sponsor donations qualify for a sponsorship.

How to Become a Sponsor?

To become a sponsor, you need to subscribe to the one-year sponsorship or the long-term sponsorship below. Additionally, there are six levels of visibility Community, Copper, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum listed below.

The six levels of visibility:

LevelPatreonSubscriptionOne full YearProductSize
Platinum$200/month$200/month$2400link+bannerWidth 500
Gold$100/month$100/month$1200link+bannerWidth 450
Silver$50/month$50/month$600link+bannerWidth 300
Bronze$20/month$20/month$240link+bannerWidth 250
Copper$10/month$10/month$120link+bannerWidth 180
Community$5/month$5/month$60link+textWidth 180

Once you have made the payment, Paypal will redirect you to the sponsorship form. The form will ask to provide your name, email contact, website, text (if applicable), logo/banner (if applicable). After submitting the form, you will receive an email.

When a sponsorship is created, GhostBSD engages in:

  • Adding the sponsor website link with the text or banner at the bottom of the front pages
  • Adding the sponsor website link with the text or banner on the Sponsors page
  • Adding sponsor website name to the donor's list

NOTE: You must complete the sponsorship form. If, for some reason, PayPal did not redirect you to the form, Contact Us and provide the Paypal email.

One year sponsorship

One full year donation

One year subscription

Long term sponsorship

Long term subscription